Dis-ease is far more than the changes in body or tissue, conversely, health is far more than the absence of physical symptoms. Disease symptoms are the tip of the iceberg of pathology. We understand that the human body is a system where everything works together and nothing exists in isolation. We consider and address the cause as well as the disease name ie. abdominal pains, abscess, acid reflux, acidity, acne, (A.D.D.), (A.D.H.D.), addictions, allergies, anaemia, anxiety, arterial disease, arthritis, asthma, atherosclerosis, anti aging, back pain, bad breath, bladder infections and problems, bloating, blues, buises, bronchitis, bruises, burns, bursitis, candida infestions, cardiovascular disease, carpal tunnel, childhood illness and diseases, childhood viral infections, cholesterol, chronic fatigue syndrome, (C.F.S.), cold sores, colds, colic, constipation, coughs, Crohn’s disease, dandruff, depression, dermatitis, diarrhoea, digestive problems and health (digestion poor), diverticulitis, dizziness, dry skin, dyspepsia, ear ache, eating disorders, emotional problems, endometriosis, eye problems, eczema, facial pain, fainting, fatigue, fertility problems conception and management, fevers, fibroids, flatulence, flu, food poisoning, food sensitivity, fungal skin infections, gallbladder problems, glue ear, gout, grief, grommets, gum problems, haemorrhoids, hair and scalp problems, halitosis, hay fever, headaches, heartburn, heart disease, high blood pressure, hives, hypertension, hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, hypotension, hypothyroidism, immune system problems, incontinence, indigestion, inflammations, infections, infertility, influenza, insect bites and stings, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome (I.B.S), itch, itching, joint pain, kidney stones and problems, labour problems, leg cramps, lethargy, libido problems, liver problems, menopause symptoms, menstrual problems, metabolic disorders, metabolic syndrome, migraines, mood swings, morning and motion sickness, mouth ulcers, muscular skeletal problems, muscle aches cramps and stiffness, nail problems, nappy rash, nausea, neck pain and problems, nervous system problems, nosebleeds, neuralgia, obesity, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis (O.A.), otitis media, overweight, pain, palpitations, pelvic inflammatory disease, perimenopausal symptoms, period problems, pimples, polycystic ovary syndrome (P.C.O.S.) pregnancy problems, premenstrual syndrome (P.M.S.), premenstrual tension (P.M.T.), prostate enlargement problems ie benign hypertrophy, reduce antibiotic (AB) use, reflux, repetitive strain injury, rheumatoid arthritis, reproductive health, respiratory problems, sciatica, sex drive loss, shingles, shock, shoulder problems, sinus, sinusitis, skin infections lesion lesions, rashes and problems, sleeping difficulties, sleep apnoea, snoring, sore throat, sports injuries, strains and sprains, spinal pain and problems, stress, styes, sunburn, syndrome X, swimmers ear, swollen glands, teething, tendonitis, tennis elbow, tension, thyroid problems, tonsilitis, ulcerative colitis, ulcers, urinary difficulties, urinary tract infections, vaccination (immunisation) adverse reactions and side effects, vaginal problems, varicose veins, voice loss, vomiting, waking, warts, water retention, weight loss, etc.
A long standing clinic
Now in our 23nd year, Chatswood Natural
How we can assist
By fully understanding your particular health requirements in the consultation, your natural health care practitioner will identify and assist you in addressing the true causes of your health concerns (as opposed to just suppressing the signs, symptoms, disease and illness into a more important organ of our body or body system). We will then suggest cost effective strategies and if required, remedies (natural medicines), that are specifically tailored to your needs.
We take the guess work out of looking after your health and work with you every step of the way. We can help you develop or enhance your health goals and assist you in achieving those goals and the return of your wellness. You will be shown strategies to help prevent illnesses (diseases) or inherited predispositions (disease tendencies) from occurring and you will learn how to achieve and maintain ongoing vitality, health and wellbeing.
Our Holistic and Natural Healthcare Practitioners promote optimal health through, wisdom,
knowledge and choice. We are known in the industry for our professionalism and always strive to get the best results for our clients. The amazing dedication of our practitioners is obvious with the attention to detail and care we have for our clients. We have vast experience in assisting in the health needs of all ages, from pre-conception, conception, prenatal, (pregnancy) natal, (birth), postnatal, infants, toddlers, children to teenagers, adults and senior adults.
Experienced Sydney Practitioners
Our Chatswood and North Curl Curl Natural Health Clinics have been established for over 23 years and 25 years respectively giving us the experience to be able to go to the core of your health problems and make real, long lasting changes to your health, vitality and wellbeing. With our extensive experience and qualifications our Naturopathic Medicine, Homeopathic Medicine, (Homoeopathic Medicine), Herbal Medicine (Botanical Medicine), Nutrition, Reiki, Lifestyle coach, Massage, Sports Massage, Swedish Massage, Therapeutic Massage, Remedial Massage, Pregnancy Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Corrective Exercise Therapy, Alternative and Complementary Health consultations and treatments will be second to none.