We have included some links below that we think may be of interest to you.

For food additives info: wikipedia.org
For fresh clean water: watershop.com.au
For pharmaceutical drug list: www.drugs.com
For your organic fruit and veg: organicfood.com.au
For The National Toxic Network: www.oztoxics.org
For Biological Farmers of Australia: www.bfa.com.au
For Biodynamics Australia: www.biodynamics.net.au
For National Prescribing Service info: www.nps.org.au
For disease and pharmaceutical drug info: www.merck.com
For organic shop: www.alwaysorganicnorthernbeaches.com
For vaccination and childhood immunization info: avn.org.au
For The Australian Register of Homeopaths: www.aroh.com.au
For abstracts of published medical journals: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
For The Australian Traditional Medicine Society: www:atms.com.au
For The Australian Homeopathic Association: www.homeopathyoz.org
For Australian Health Department immunisation info: www.immunise.health.gov.au
For doctors (GP’s) immunisation payment incentive scheme: www.immunise.health.gov.au